Francis Sothoron

List of St. Mary's Co., MD voters for the 1790 Congressional Elections. "Page No." refers to original document, held by the Maryland State Archives. (* - Catholic Families of Southern MD, pp. 98, 99, 112, 137)

Page No. Name
49 Sothoron, Charles
71 Sothoron, Henry G.
81 Sothoron, John I. (sic)
  Sothoron, Levin
  Sothoron, Richard
  Sothoron, Samuel
90 Sothoron, Francis
  Sothoron, Henry
  Sothoron, John
99 Sothoron, Richd. of Samuel
  Sothoron, Sam.

** Federal Census schedules - Maryland

1800 Census (1800.08.040) St. Mary's Co. - Pg 12, Ln 39 - Francis Southern

Free white males under 10...2
26 - 44...1
females 16 - 25...3
26 - 44...1

1810 Census (1810.08.06) St. Mary's Co. - Pg 270 (15) - Francis Sothoron

Free white males under 10...1
10 - 15...2
26 - 44...1
females under 10...2
26 - 44...3

1820 Census (1820.08.07) District 4, St. Mary’s Co. - Pg 91 (390) - Francis Southoron

Free white males under 10...1
16 - 17...0
16 - 25...1
females under 10...1
10 - 15...2
26 - 44...1

** Land records - St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

Henry Burroughs, Hanson Burroughs, Samuel Burroughs, Francis Sothoron & Jane his wife, Margaret Sothoron & Zachariah Sothoron deed to Hezekiah Burroughs for $400, Holdfast & Burroughs Lot. (Abstracts TH#29{StM#3}:132, 1820.02.11, Recorded 1820.03.10)

** Tax Assessment Records - District 4, St. Mary’s Co., Maryland (Fenwick*)

1821 Assessment. Francis Sothoron. Slaves: 0. Lands:–. Personal: 110; Total 110.

1826 Assessment. Francis Sothoron. Slaves: 0. Lands:–. Personal: 110; total 110.

** Estate - St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

On application of Jane Sothoron administratrix of Francis Sothoron late of Saint Mary’s Co. deceased, the Court allow the said administratrix 10 per cent commission.

- On application of Jane Sothoron the Court appoint her guardian to Francis Sothoron, Samuel Hanson Sothoron and Margaret Jane Sothoron, Orphans of Francis Sothoron late of Saint Mary’s Co. deceased. Bonds taken and the securities Richard C. Sothoron and Harrison Sothoron approved of by the Court.

- On application of Jane Sothoron administratrix of Francis Sothoron late of Saint Mary’s Co. deceased, the court appoint James Keech and Briscoe Davis to divide the personal Estate of the deceased amongst his legal representatives - and Ordered by the Court that they make a return of their proceedings to this Court within three months from this day. (Blackwell* {Proc Orphans Court :76}, 1827.09)

First & final account of Jane Sothoron administratrix of Francis Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co. dec’d. Charged herself with entire amount of dec’d’s inventory by her exhibited into the Registry of Orphans Court of St. Mary’s Co. on 11 April 1826, amounting to $731.80 ½. Also with net proceeds of tobacco rec’d of child’s pt. of estate, $76.04 ½; total of $797.85.

- Prays for approval of payments listed, totaling $323.87 ½, with net estate value of $468.97 ½. Includes debt of $5 due Rev. Neale H. Shaw for funeral expenses & subscription. Includes debts owed to Henry Jowles, John Kilgour, James Keech, William Smoot, James Wittimore, Doc. Wm. B. Locke, Elkannah Edwards & others. (Admin Accts :117, 1827.09.11)

List of proposed distribution of estate residual of Francis Sothoron. (Admin Accts :118, 1827.09.11) [NOTE: See entry at 1827.11.25 for amended distribution to same individuals]

Second & Final account of Jane Sothoron, administratrix of the estate of Francis Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co., dec’d. Notes additional debts, including less than budgeted income for sale of tobacco. Total debts of $215.74 ¾, gross estate value of $468.09 ?, leaving net estate value of $253.22 ¾. (Admin Accts :167, 1827.11.25)

Prays for approval of distribution of estate residual of Francis Sothoron:

Jane Sothoron, widow of dec’d $84.40 ¾
Richard C. Sothoron, son of dec’d 24.11 5/7
Harrison Sothoron, son of dec’d 24.11 5/7
Kitty Ann Sothoron, daughter of dec’d 24.11 5/7
Druscilla Philip Alvey in the right of his wife the dec’d’s daughter 24.11 5/7
Francis Sothoron, son of dec’d 24.11 5/7
Samuel Hanson, son of dec’d 24.11 5/7
Mary Pamela Margaret Jane Sothoron, daughter of dec’d 24.11 5/7

(Admin Accts :167, 1827.11.25)

Balance and distribution of the estate of Francis Sothoron by Jane Sothoron, Admx. (widow). Children: Richard C., Harrison, Kitty Ann, Druscilla, Philip Alvey in right of his wife, the dec'd daughter, Francis, Samuel Hanson, and Mary Pamelia Margaret Jane Sothoron. (Reno* {Balances and Distributions}, 1827.11.26)

** Miscellaneous - Maryland

"An enrollment of the Militia in Saint Mary's County, agreeably to an Act of Assembly; as returned by F. Hamersley to the Commissioners of the Tax 1794." Found in the back of the 1794 Assessment Record Book of St. Mary's County. List includes:

- John Sotherland

- Francis Sothoron

- Francis Sothoron

- Henry Sothoron

- John Sothoron

- John Johnson Sothoron

- Samuel Sotheron

- Zacharian Sotheron  (Chron St. Mary’s 2:#10, 1794)

Listed as a creditor to Zachariah Sothoron in latter’s application for relief as an insolvant debtor in 1803 (see Zachariah’s Notes).

Account of sales of property of Henry Alu Thompson includes the following sales:

- Dr. William Sothoron - 1 reel & 3 piles Hoghead staves. By note for 13.31

- Henry Sothoron - Tinners & carpenters tools. By note for 73.51

- Francis Sothoron - 16 plates & dish. Cash 98 1/4 cents.

- Zachariah Sothoron - 1 horse. By note for 32.50.  (Tax Assessment Papers {MSA # C1523-3}, 1822.12.23)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.